About Us

Solectria Renewables, LLC was established in 2005 by founders Anita and James Worden, as a spinoff of Solectria Corporation, their electric and hybrid vehicle business. The new company focused on the design and manufacture of premium high efficiency and reliable power electronics for renewable power generation, and grew into the leading commercial solar inverter manufacturer in the USA.
In 2014 Solectria Renewables was acquired by Yaskawa America, Inc. in Waukegan, Illinois and changed its business name to Yaskawa Solectria Solar (Solectria). Company headquarters is located in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in the historic RiverWalk building along the Merrimack River. Leveraging the strengths and resources of Yaskawa America, Inc., Solectria’s experienced engineering and product development team has created the highest quality solar inverter product line that is unmatched in the PV industry.
Solectria’s advanced solar inverters range from 25kW to 250kW, and the company also offers string combiners and web-based monitoring for solar systems of all sizes. Solectria’s XGI series three-phase utility-scale inverters are made in the USA with global components and are compliant with the Buy American Act (BAA).
Yaskawa Solectria Solar maintains its engineering, product development, sales and support teams in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and the Solectria XGI series inverters are manufactured in Yaskawa’s world-class production facilities in Buffalo Grove, Illinois and Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Solectria is backed by Yaskawa, a global leader in motor drives and robotics with over 100 years of power electronics and inverter experience, and continues to build the highest quality solar inverters and provide new innovations for the marketplace.